Thursday, May 12, 2016

Spring flowers

The tulips and daisies are up and it's so pretty! We weren't living in this house during the spring last year so I had no clue what to expect. It's wonderful!!!
A few pictures:
These were taken on May 11, I'd never seen daffodils like those before!

The first blooms of the year, picture taken in early May. 

The chipmunks have been busy as well. They now recognize my seed container and come running for sunflower seeds. They also let me pet them while they stuff their cheeks. It's my favourite part of the day.

We've had a few new birds visit the feeders as well. Yesterday we saw a Grosbeak and a White Capped Sparrow. It was the first time I'd seen them. Still have many goldfinches and cardinals as well as all the normal feeder birds. It's really great to have the kids see all the different creatures here. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016


It's spring here finally and things are starting to grow. The squirrels are eating every sunflower seed they can find, the chipmunks are hoarding everything and digging holes everywhere, and the birds are coming for daily visits. This has to be my favourite time of year!

We seem to have a small mouse problem at the moment. The cats are sort of taking care of it but I think we might need to get a younger one with more energy!

More to come soon, pictures in the next few days.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Beginner bird blog

Because I'm sure my friends on Facebook are sick of my status updates about birds and flowers in my back yard, I've decided to blog about it instead!

Our family recently moved to Ottawa Ontario from Edmonton Alberta. With the different climate comes different flora and fauna. We have a massive 1/2 acre back yard that has been landscaped in the past 3 years.  

I've put some effort into making feeding stations for the local birds and the results have been spectacular to date! 

I put up a hummingbird feeder yesterday and within a day I have birds fighting over it. It's absolutely spectacular!!! 

Pictures to come!